Press release archive

Date: 20 October
Title: Threshers launches in Snax 24 forecourts: continuation of partnership strategy
Date: 7 October
Title: Thresher Group launches Premium Spirits range
Date: 4 August
Title: Threshers adds flavour to Imperial Ice
Date: 14 July
Title: Thresher Group launches regional range: Radcliffe's Regional Classics is unveiled
Date: 7 July
Title: Thresher Group leaps into new retail market
Date: 18 June
Title: Thresher Group extends Origin range: Pinot Grigio a bestseller one week in
Date: 10 June
Title: Thresher extends voucher redemption: first for the business
Date: 3 June
Title: 'Stylish Singles' to benefit from new look Threshers shop
Date: 2 June
Title: Thresher's leadership strengthened by new roles
Date: 20 May
Title: Thresher Group pioneers new international supply chain strategy: a first for the drinks industry
Date: 6 May
Title: New operations directors appointed to Thresher Group
Date: 18 March
Title: 'Origin' wine soars into UK top wine brands in first days of trading
Date: 18 March
Title: Thresher Group unveils radical new consumer and corporate identities
Date: 25 February
Title: Thresher Group continues on its next phase of development with major product launch
Date: 25 February
Title: Thresher Group continues on its next phase of development with major product launch
Date: 18 February
Title: Hello 'Thresher' and 'Origin': Goodbye First Quench
Date: 7 January
Title: Thresher achieves strong Christmas and new year sales


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